Friday, January 25, 2008

Because Mickey will stop reading if I don't

I realize I've gone all week without posting, and I actually have a post in mind that will take a little while to compose. So, as my workday is slipping away from me, I hope Mickey and the other faithful (albeit less demanding) readers will accept this link to a funny Onion editorial article as a peace offering. Enjoy:

"Back in My Day, Being an American Gladiator Actually Meant Something," by Turbo


Mickey said...

Eh, it's better than nothing. The headline and byline alone made me laugh. Now get to work on the real thing, dammit!

Severo said...

I always support the Onion so good job you lazy slackass. i hate to agree with Mickey, but kindly take the time to come with a REAL post.

Sid said...

Sorry i don't accept this at all. (-;