Friday, December 21, 2007

School's out! School's out!

As badly as I hate to admit it, I felt a brief rush of giddiness this afternoon when I realized I would not have to work for the next 11 days. It's been a while since I've had such a break to look forward to, considering I began my first professional job about four months before I graduated from college.

That first job -- as most of you are well aware, having worked for the same newspaper at some point -- did not allow me 11 days off for Christmas. Technically, my current job doesn't either, but it does provide me enough annual vacation days that I can arrange to have 11 days off for Christmas without that being my only time off for the whole year.

Did I mention I have 11 days off for Christmas? Because I do. Of course, some of those are weekend days (four, precisely) and then there are national holidays (two) when almost everyone is off -- except a handful of those poor souls still working for daily newspapers. So I actually only had to burn five of my vacation days to make this happen. And four plus two plus five equals 11 days off for Christmas.

By writing this post, I do not mean to gloat over those who do not have 11 days off for Christmas. I'm just strangely excited about having 11 days off for Christmas and can't stop writing about my 11 days off for Christmas. I feel like a schoolboy again, only as a working adult I have my own money and means of transportation and won't be at the mercy of my parents and the television to find entertainment during my 11 days off for Christmas.

Plus I haven't wet my pants or punched anyone in the stomach in a long time. That's another difference between me now and me as a schoolboy. And I don't wear that silly sailor suit and hat anymore.

Well, sometimes on special occasions.

Such as, when I have 11 days off for Christmas. But, as it turns out, I do have a full schedule of activities planned for these 11 days -- none of which will likely be appropriate occasions for sailor suits or punches in the stomach.

Then again, I suppose one never knows when the right occasion for a punch in the stomach might arise. I'll be prepared for that, just in case. And I suppose I could keep the sailor suit in the trunk of my car.

I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Is anyone still reading this? Hello?

I've got to stop writing now before this devolves into some sort of beatnik poetry. Actually, that might be a step up at this point.

So Merry Christmas to my loyal readers. I hope you all get at least a little time off for Christmas. Those who don't might consider staging a live re-enactment of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" in your boss' home late Monday night. And I'll gladly post video footage from said re-enactment on this site (if I can figure out how to do that).


Jacob said...

Post it on Youtube and then you can post the video here (there's some sort of way to actually insert youtube-hosted videos to actually play on your blog). There's also the option to insert video in a post. When you are in the post writing page, there's an icon up top that allows for the insertion of video.

Julie said...

Suck it, Chris ____.
If you love your 11 days off work so much why don't write a song about each one of those days. I'm sure it will be an instant hit since it will likely accomplish much of the same things the 12 days of Christmas song does, but it will save all us poor working fools one precious day. Then you can quit work for good and live off the royalties and blog about that. You're welcome and merry Christmas.

Meaghan said...

I could think of a great use for that sailor suit, but I won't gross out your friends! I'm glad you have 11 days off, too, because I also have 11 days off!

Mickey said...

Geez, Meaghan!

And I thought I was happy about my four days off. Not so much now that they're over and Chris is still enjoying his vacay. We expect a fascinating post regaling us with your amazing adventures from your time off.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I felt exactly the same way about my 12 days off. I don't go back until Thursday, though.

I've done almost nothing on my vacation, and it's been GREAT!