Thursday, September 13, 2007

My first blog

Wow. This is exciting. Me, a guy with no MySpace account and who has never sent a text message in his life, posting his first blog entry. I hope someone reads it.

I spend most of my days writing about corporate mergers and acquisitions for an online news and info service, so I shall do my darnedest not to clutter this blog with similarly nerdy things. Here, instead, I could share anecdotes about funny things my dog does, right? Is that what blogs are for? (By the way, when she farts, she immediately gets up and runs away from the smell.)

Hm, what else? I could tell all you Conan O'Brien fans out there (I say this as though there are thousands of people reading this entry) that you should check out his Pale Force animated shorts on I just found them today, although it looks like they've been around for several months or longer. They're mildly funny --- about a "tan-challenged" duo of crime-fighting superheroes, including Conan of course. I swear NBC did not pay me to refer to their site.

Well that's pretty much all I've got for now. I really just signed up for this account so I could comment on friends' blogs, but now I'll get sucked into actually writing entries from time to time, I'm sure. When I get fired for spending all my work time doing this, it will be all your fault Blogger. I'll sue your electronic behind, and with Google as your parent company now, I'm sure I can expect a handsome settlement. To be fair, I will consider accepting stock options in lieu of cash. Hm, this is sounding better all the time.

(Just kidding, Google. Don't kill my family.)


Jacob said...

Dude, U R so kewl. Why you no text? That sux0r.

Courtney said...

Whee! Welcome to the blog bandwagon!

I'm adding your link to my blog in the number 2 spot. But if you post more often than Jacob does (which shouldn't be hard) then maybe, just maybe, I'll move you up into the number 1 spot.

Oh yes. It's on.

Chris said...

wow, thanks guys. instant gratification. this Internet thing is so neat.

jacob, I won't lie: I can't figure out what sux0r means.

Jacob said...

sux0r is gamer l33t speak (the dialect of video game afficionados who think they're in the elite class). It was a bit of a modern protoliterate language mashup.

Julie said...

Thanks a lot, Chris. Now I think I am in fact the only one left out there without a myspace page, blog or other such time waster. Way to go.

H2WTO said...

And people are still reading this blog two years later, oddly enough...

In my case, however, it's while trying to pass it in the Google search rankings for 'Waste time online' haha.
